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The Origin

The reason the Nest was born was to reconnect with myself and also bcoz I believed until my heart is not truly connected with the mother earth and my hands are not truly soiled I would never be complete. It also made me realize the bounty from which mother earth has always doled out to its inhabitants and man can never be fully complete without an intimate and soulful relationship with her .

An empty place which was first bought for investment purposes later became my Nest .Slowly a boundary was built and the land was ploughed and seeds were planted . My Heart leapt to see the first shoots ………… the signs of life . My wife , though did not share my enthusiasm for the literal soiling of hands but who has always appreciated my passion and outlook of life concepts, shared that these were some of the most fulfilling moments of our togetherness.

It brought a connect as we began to enjoy the first fruits from our “farm “ as we lovingly called it. The curiosity and joy of my children as they began to gather the fruits of our labour tugged at the strings of my heart . It made me notice that they forgot about television, and all the other gadgets when they immersed themselves in the simple joys of feeding the hens ,climbing the trees ,playing with the two adopted stray puppies ( Bheem and Jacky) and playing in the artificial water body ( what we called a pool) reminded me of the happy moments that I enjoyed as a child in my ancestral home in kerala. I also happened to notice that my children wanted more luxury and had more needs while we vacationed in some of the best resorts , there was more contentment while at the Nest ( needless to say our vacations are balanced both at new and exotic locations and at the Nest , so that they get to experience both sides of the coin). I am hoping that will teach them no matter I high you fly you are always welcome back to nestle among your loved ones.

They also found something new to do in this little nest of ours. Soon it became a place of our family gettogethers and a place where friends bonded over a Barbeque. Over time we have come to realize this simple joys have become a scarcity in this world where even our vacations are planned to prove to somebody else that we are having a good life though we may be empty within. So here is this place the Nest for you to unwind and catchup with someone you have not connected in a long time - yourself. This place is a treasure trove of many beautiful moments and loving memories spent with my family and loved ones. I would appreciate if you would maintain its sanctity.

Adv. K.R. Joby